Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Job recruitment for the post of Paramedical and nursing staff in State hospitals and Dispensaries in NER for the season 2018-19

Vacancy Name –  Job recruitment for the post of Paramedical and nursing staff in State hospitals and Dispensaries in NER for the season 2018-19
Description of the Job-  Online Applications (through website of ESIC at (www.esicner.in / www.esic.nic.in) are invited for filling up the posts of Paramedical and Nursing Staff for ESIC Medical Education Institutions, in  Hospitals and in so many Dispensaries also in North East Region on daily basis by Direct Recruitment.
Number of the Post-
i.                    Staff nurse = 29
ii.                  Pharmacist = 25
iii.                ECG technician = 02
Job Location-  North east region
Pay Scale- 
i.                    Staff nurse= 44900 to 142400/
ii.                  Pharmacist = 29200 to 92300/-
iii.                ECG= 25500 upto 81100/-

Reservation for the Post –
  As per government schedule

Education Qualification-
i.                    Minimum qualification is for the Post is
a.      Staff nurse = diploma in general Nursing and Midwifery
b.      Pharmacist =  Diploma in pharmacy
c.       ECG= Science Graduate And one year experience of handling ECG machine
d.      Other Qualification

i.                    The Candidate should be a Indian Citizen.
ii.                  The Candidate should be passed the minimum Education qualification
iii.                Education qualification’s Certificate should be from a State board or a Govt. Recognized institute.

Age Relaxation and Limitation
i.                    The Candidate’s age should be minimum 18 years
ii.                  Maximum age is 32 years.

AGE RELAXATION FOR Special Categories as-

            ST=  5            SC=5              OBC=3            MOBC=3           PWD=10
Application  Starting Date –  started

Application Filling Last Date  -- 21/01/2019
Official website-  www.esic.nic.in
Should have to Pay-  
i.                    General categories = 500/-
ii.                  Reserved categories = 250/-

Selection Procedure -   Written examination

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